
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So, as you all know, our house is to be demolished. After a meeting with our owner today, we were informed that there are no positions to manage with them. As this is disappointing, we are still waiting to hear back from Alexander Apartments (that girls' house i talked about before). We should hear back from them today or tomorrow. It's all so stressful. I have faith and know that it will all work out, but it's just scary to not know where you're going to live in a few weeks. It's so little time to plan. AND I AM A PLANNER. I've been feeling particularly OCD lately. I really do think i am slightly OCD.. everything at work must be in it's proper place on my desk, my planner must be with me at all times, i must have everything figured out and written down, etc. If these things aren't done i will think about them until they are done. My mind can't focus on anything else. I've tried to fight it, but some things must be embraced i suppose. Well anyway, it's probably all of this stress and hubbub lately that hasn't gotten me all Mr. Monkish. I think Chase has probably had enough of it. I'm kind of on edge. Did i mention i have a ten page research paper due on Friday? A paper of which i have about two pages done. I think i need something chocolatey. Sigh.
Well, as soon as this week is over, my paper is done, my camera is here, my test is taken, we have a place to live, etc. a more happy post will come. As for now, these are the updates. Although, I did get a 94% on my test last night, so that is good. I love you all. Pray for this week to end soonish.

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