
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Just when i happened to think that i was ready to go for fall semester... I had to revise my schedule 4 or 5 times today. It was a nightmare. I'm still not even in one of my classes i need for the nursing program because it is full. I emailed the teacher, so i am crossing my fingers and toes. If he doesn't put me in, i guess I'll just show up the first day! I'm out of options!

After a sad day a couple months ago when i didn't make it into the nursing program, and realizing that hardly anyone makes it their first time at BYU-I, i have decided to reapply for next Spring semester. This was one of the reasons for the hectic schedule changing of today. I just really hope and pray this all works out. This is my last hope. Because if i don't make it in for Spring, I will have to apply for alternate track... and it would take a little longer for me to finish, mainly just because I'd be set back one semester. I'll hope and plan for the best though. I suppose that if things don't work out the way i want them to even after I have tried my best, then i guess they just aren't suppose to be going in that direction. Although i would feel like i wasted a ton of time and money. It will all work out... Stay optimistic! I'm just excited for the time when Chase and i are just finished with school so we can just move forward with our life and realize our future goals. I'm sure that's how a lot of newlyweds feel... impatient.

On the bright side, Chase is working right now. Which, i suppose isn't the bright side because I'm alone. But he is making money. He's working road work all night tonight, and tomorrow night in Sun Vally. I luckily, am working day tomorrow just in Idaho Falls. We're making money at least, even if we have to be apart it's a good thing!

Well i guess that's all. I just needed to get out my anxiety, and since Chase is working, the blog was my next resort! :)


  1. ugh. i hate scheduling issues. school in general was one of the most stressful things for me. hang in there. things will work out how they are suppose to.

  2. I wish we lived closer so we could hang out or go to dinner together while Chase is away. But I know you have great family and friends there that will keep you company. You guys are working so hard and it will all pay off in the end!
