
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Details you probably don't want, but I'm giving you anyway.

As I plan to graduate in July, I am struggling through 18.5 credits, work, feeling like all of my professors hate me, managing apartments, and trying to make dinner at night. All of us need a post to relieve some stress every once in a while, right? Today, or for that matter, this month has been one of those times.
I recently read this article in a magazine about becoming a better you. It included sections for how to be more attractive, how to make the best decision while ordering at a restaurant, etc. Most of the explanations were quirky and comical, but under the "How to perform at your maximum capacity", it said to skip. At first i thought... skip your responsibilities? As I kept reading, I promptly realized that they were talking about the action of physically skipping down the street. Needless to say, I've been needing a lot of skipping in my life lately. "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't."
Despite all of the stress, life is truly wonderful. It's amazing when you feel like you couldn't possibly fit anything else into your day and then all of the sudden you take care of your church calling, go to the temple, etc. All of the sudden magically, yet quite pleasingly, your time becomes a little more like our Heavenly Fathers'.
Hope about some pictures?

Alright.. so this picture was taken in pitch darkness.. no flash... just a 30 sec exposure. It was awesome.

And last but not least...
Also, I just took my sister's family pictures last weekend. They turned out well, so those will be posted shortly.